Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000193_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Mon Nov 17 14:35:20 1997.msg
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From: Keith Hill <Braneloc@mirex.demon.co.uk>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: Re: Cap'in Bubba...
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To the one known as Peter,
> Theres going to be a new 'bubbas bubbles' ready soon !
> (sorry about the delay Giark)
> and I'm having a small few questions about....
> sfx: are the speach AND fx meant to be in the one channel ?
Dunno, but mine are on configgable channels - so configgable
they can even be switched off with no effort.
> What way is the score going to be ?
> (eg. What should be the maximum amount of score you can get off
> one bonus 300/3000 ? )
Dunno. At the moment, my level was the only one with a real
scoring system. I'll be handing out similar scores to what I'm
usign now on the final version, and more for things like dragons.
Errr, gopher 1000 for the highest. Thats nice and high, but not
insanely high. Make it smegging hard to get too.
> What amigas and ram is the game meant to run on ?
Anything with fast mem and a hard disk. 1meg chip preferred. (At
least until Giark gets his 1200) Mine will end up running in 2megs
if I'm lucky. (hopefully 1meg of each)
> Is there a maximum size of the 'level+files' ?
Nope. We have CD. We have internet. We have HD. Make it as big
as you like. Include hours of FMV if you like.
_ _ _ _ _ _ |
|_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ | | | / | | "You're disgusting." - Odo
|_> | \ | | | \| |_ |_ |_| \_ . | "It's a living." - Quark
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